Oh yes! Another useful
grammar word for your daily dosage of Japanese learning. You will learn how to
make comparison in Japanese. Very useful and commonly use. “Yori” より is the equivalent to the English word
“than”. And “no hou ga” のほうが is
equivalent to the English phrase “is much more”. Let’s get to the details!
So how do you say “This apple is bigger than this apple” ?
So how do you say “This apple is bigger than this apple” ?
この りんご は この りんご より おおきい です
Words to learn
この -
this (use for describing something near you, a noun must follow after it, e.g
“this apple” or “this orange”)
りんご - apple
おおきい、大きい -
In English, we have “big”, “bigger” and “biggest”. So how to phrase that out in Japanese? In Japanese, it would be totally different from English. It will be:
おおきい - Big
In English, we have “big”, “bigger” and “biggest”. So how to phrase that out in Japanese? In Japanese, it would be totally different from English. It will be:
おおきい - Big
もっと おおきい -
bigger (もっと
means more)
いちばん おおきい -
biggest (いちばん
has various meanings like “most”, “best” or “number 1″)
But when you want to make a comparison in Japanese, please don’t think of the “big”, “bigger” and “biggest” sizing factor in English. Its not gonna work in Japanese. You need to use the yori より to do the comparison.
But when you want to make a comparison in Japanese, please don’t think of the “big”, “bigger” and “biggest” sizing factor in English. Its not gonna work in Japanese. You need to use the yori より to do the comparison.
So in English, which is
pre-position, we would say, “bigger than” but Japanese is
post-position, so the phrase would become “than bigger” and change it to
Japanese, you get より おおきい. Now, keep in mind that より will come first than follow by the
adjective that you want to use. So all adjectives will go like this:
より おおきい - bigger than
より おおきい - bigger than
より ちいさい -
smaller than
より きれい -
prettier than
より べんり -
more convenient than
Get it?
Now how do we form a sentence with it?
We shall make a comparison of saying “This
apple is smaller than the pear“. Step by step explanation below

1. First identify the first object that
you want to compare and mark it as your topic. Apple is the topic. So start off by saying この りんご は. Remember that the は particle is the topic marker.
2. Next, find the second object that you
want to compare, that would be the pear, なし. So add the なし
after the この りんご は.
So you get:
この りんご は なし
3. Finally, add より ちいさい behind again. And you got your sentence ready
この りんご は なし より ちいさい です.
4. You might want to add the です to sound polite 

The whole picture for you
“This apple is smaller than
the pear”
English words In Japanese structure would become:
English words In Japanese structure would become:
“This apple pear than smaller is”
この りんご は なし より ちいさい です
More ways to make
comparison using “no hou” の ほう が
この なし より りんご の ほう が ちいさい です
Direct translation would
be: “More than this pear, the apple is much smaller” <-
Tip: You might want to remember the direct translation
mentioned above in English first in your head and then getting the feel of it,
so that you can naturally think in Japanese. 
の ほう が acts in a simlar structure to より. Only thing to take note is that it works the opposite way

の ほう が acts in a simlar structure to より. Only thing to take note is that it works the opposite way
の ほう が おおきい -
much bigger
の ほう が ちいさい -
much smaller
の ほう が きれい -
much prettier
の ほう が べんり -
much more convenient
Hi! I found that for me, translating "yori" as "compared to" is easier. For instance: Compared to this pear, this apple is smaller. it makes more sense to me than “More than this pear, the apple is much smaller”
ReplyDelete:) Hope this might help others too! Thanks a lot for your post btw, it's amazingly clear!! arigatou gozaimasu.