In a previous post, I touch
on using
the と particle to show
express what you are thinking. In today’s post, you will
learn another usage for と
particle. That is to state the presence of objects. It is similar to using the
“and” English. や is
also another useful particle. Let’s find out.
Using と
Using と
テブル の うえ に、 かみ と ペン と えんぴつ が あります.
On the table top, there is
paper, pen and pencil.
テブル の うえ に、 かみ や ペン や えんぴつ が あります.
On the table top, there is
paper, pen, pencil…etc
Words to learn
テブル -
うえ、上 -
かみ、紙 -
ぺん -
えんぴつ、鉛筆 -
To use と correctly, just be sure that you are seeing a fix number of things. As for や, it works the similar way to と, there is only one difference you have to take note. や is only use when there are quite a number of things that you see and probably won’t be able to state them all out. That is why in the English translation, you see that it ends with etc. Short post for today though, but more と usage coming up.
To use と correctly, just be sure that you are seeing a fix number of things. As for や, it works the similar way to と, there is only one difference you have to take note. や is only use when there are quite a number of things that you see and probably won’t be able to state them all out. That is why in the English translation, you see that it ends with etc. Short post for today though, but more と usage coming up.
Learning Japanese language
is my passion.:)
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