This form very useful and
commonly use by the Japanese. The examples below will show you how to change
from the plain verb to -tara forms
たべる(to eat) becomes たべたら(when you eat)
たべる(to eat) becomes たべたら(when you eat)
speak) becomes はなしたら(when
you speak)
walk) becomes あるいたら(when
you walk)
swim) becomes およいだら(when
you swim)
call) becomes よんだら(when
you call it)
drink) becomes のんだら(when
you drink it)
die) becomes しんだら(when
you die)
make) becomes つくったら(when
you make)
wait) becomes まったら(when
you wait)
wash) becomes あらったら(when
you wash)
The above examples are
plain verbs. Just by changing each verb into a た-ta form and then adding a ら ra after it.
To change it to a negative
becomes たべない
negative plain form becomes たべなかったら (if you did not eat)
Just drop the い on the ない form and then change it to -kattara かったら In this case, because of the negative form is involve here. The meaning becomes “If you didn’t…”
Just drop the い on the ない form and then change it to -kattara かったら In this case, because of the negative form is involve here. The meaning becomes “If you didn’t…”
becomes のまない
and then becomes のまなかったら meaning “If you didn’t drink it…”
To change to a polite -tara
If you want to say it in a
polite way, just change each verb into the past -masu form and add the ら ra after it. An example below will
show you how.
becomes たべましたThis
is the polite past form. Then add the ら ra
it, you get たべましたら.
This way of saying is very polite, usually use wen you are speaking with
To change to a polite
negative -tara form
たべる becomes たべません and then becomes たべません でしたら
たべる becomes たべません and then becomes たべません でしたら
becomes のみません
and then becomes のみません でしたら
You have to change the -masu into a past tense. By adding the でした you get the past tense. Then adding the ら after it will give you the polite negative -tara form.
Well, I hardly hear Japanese use the polite negative -tara form while I was in Japan, its probably use in hotels or high class restaurant.
Its recommended to use the plain
negative form or plain form when you want to use -tara
You have to change the -masu into a past tense. By adding the でした you get the past tense. Then adding the ら after it will give you the polite negative -tara form.
Well, I hardly hear Japanese use the polite negative -tara form while I was in Japan, its probably use in hotels or high class restaurant.

It might take some time for
you to absorb all these. Getting use to learning Japanese forms is the key to
improving your listening and speaking. Try to get use to the -nakattara and
-nakatta soundings.
Enjoy learning Japanese!
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