Another useful expression
in Japanese is the -ta hou ga ii -た ほう が いい
which means “better to do…something”. It is use when you want to recommend or
suggest to someone to do something. Verbs needs to be change into the -ta form
first before adding the hou ga ii ほう が いい
behind. Lets find out more
We previously learnt how
to change to the -ta た
form. So by now you should be familiar with it. Lets take a look at
the conversation below
Mother:がっこう は なんじ から はじまる の? - What time does school starts?
Mother:がっこう は なんじ から はじまる の? - What time does school starts?
Son:あさ はちじ から - From 8 o’ clock in the morning
Mother:はやく ねた ほう が いい よ -
Its better to sleep early
Words to learn
なんじ、何時 -
what time
はじまる、始まる -
begin, start
あさ、朝 -
はち、八 -
じ、時 -
o’ clock
はやい、早い - early
ねる、寝る -
to sleep
はやくねる、早く寝る -
to sleep early
First change the verb to
the -ta form and then add the た ほう が いい
after it. Other examples like
becomes たべた ほう が いい -
better to eat
becomes のんだ ほう いい -
better to drink
becomes ねた ほう が いい -
better to sleep
becomes いった ほう が いい -
better to say
You may even use the naiない form together with ほう が いい as
becomes たべない ほう が いい - better not to eat
becomes のまない ほう いい - better not to drink
becomes ねない ほう が いい - better not to sleep
becomes いわない ほう が いい - better not to say
Simple isn’t it? Well, keep
practicing and you will slowly get use to the Japanese langauge. 

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