Friday, December 2, 2016

A Better Understanding on Japanese Particles part 1

There are 8 particles being use in the Japanese language. Namely (wa), (ga), (no),(ni), (de), (he) (ka) and (wo). Let’s get into details of each particle.
The (wa)is use for introducing new information or use for changing topics. The (wa) particle can even be use to emphasis certain things. But let’s get down to the basic first. Some people might think that (wa)is the same meaning as “is”. Some might think that way for easier understanding, but です is much closer to “is” than you would have thought.
As for the (ga) particle, it is use pretty closely with the (wa) particle. The (ga) particle is a subject marker. It is use when both the speaker and the listener are together in the same conversation or situation where it is obvious. Here is an example of introducing new information and using particle to continue on the subject matter.
But before we get into the example. You might want to study a few new words
でかける、出かける means “to go out of the house”
さいふ、財布 means “purse or wallet”
わすれる、忘れる means “to forget”
Aさん is in the living room while Bさん is in his study room.
Aさん:おかあさん  でかけた。 -> Mother has left the house
Bさん:この さいふ  おかあさん  でしょう? -> This purse belong to her right?
Aさん:あ! おかあさん  わすれた! -> Oh no! Mother has forgotten about it!

Let’s analyst!
When Aさん says: おかあさん  でかけた。Aさん is introducing new information to Bさん. Bさん is in his study room, so he is not aware of it until Aさん told him about it. Therefore should be use. But assume that Bさん is also in the living room with Aさん, Aさん would have use instead. The reason is because both could felt or see their mother living the house. Both knows about it, so it is obvious.
Now, Bさん says: この さいふ  おかあさん  でしょう?From here we can see that is being use again. But this time, its for introducing new information. さいふ is the new information. Take note that the topic on おかあさん is still within the conversation. So now there are 2 subjects within the conversation between Aさん and Bさん.
Finally, Aさん says: あ! おかあさん  わすれた!The particle (ga) is being use here because the topic is already known between the 2 speakers, therefore should be use here to continue on the subject matter, that is their mother, おかあさん.
As for the particle (no), it is use for ownership. It was covered in a previous post.
Moving on to the (ni) particle. This particle is multi-purpose. It may be difficult to understand in certain sentence structure in the beginning. But for now, just try to get it right on general knowledge of it. The (ni) particle is use mainly for telling time, direction and to describe something in a location. Here are 3 examples.
To tell time
なんじ  でかけますか? -> What time will you be leaving (the house) ?
なんじ、何時 means, “what time” Think of the ni particle the same meaning as “at”. So it will go like “At what time”
To tell direction
どこ  いきますか? -> Where are you going?
レストラン  いきます -> I’m going to the restaurant.
どこ may mean “where” but it is still consider a place-like word therefore, に is use. In this case, think of ni particle as the “to”
To describe something in a location
あの レストラン  きれいな おんな の ひと が います -> In that restaurant, there is a pretty lady.

あの means “that”. It is use when both parties knows about that restaurant. For this case, think of this ni particle as “in”

We have come to the end of part 1. Look out for part 2 soon. Enjoy learning Japanese!

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