Friday, December 2, 2016

Common Japanese words you must know

Before making your first sentence, you need to know a few vocabularies. Let’s start off with the most common words.
わたし、私watashi = Ime
あなたanata = You
これkore = this
それsore = that
かばん、鞄kaban = bag
こんにちはkonnichiwa = hello, good afternoon
おはようございますohayou gozaimasu = Good morning
いきます、行きますikimasu = to go, will go
きます、来ますkimasu = to come, will come
どこdoko = where
のみます、飲みますnomimasu = to drink, will drink
たべます、食べますtabemasu = to eat, will eat
かきます、書きますkakimasu = to write, will write
おしえます、教えますoshiemasu = to teach, will teach
かれ、彼kare = He, him
せんせい、先生sensei = teacher
ケーキke-ki = cake
がっこう、学校gakkou = school
みず、水mizu = water
no = a particle to show ownership
ni = a particle to show location or time
wa = subject marker (notice that the hiragana is written as ha, but this should be pronounce as “wa”)
de = at, by, via, through

The above vocabularies are the most commonly used and easiest to learn. So remember them all before you go to the next lesson.

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