Friday, December 2, 2016

Learn How to Use “-tekara” and “ato de” to Say After Doing Something


Good day to all! Once again, we have another daily update of Japanese grammar and tenses. In this post, we shall learn how to use -tekara てから and ato de あとで to tell someone “later” or “after” in Japanese. てから is useful when use together with verbs to tell someone that after doing this particular action, another action will occur. As for あとで, its the equivalent of “later”. Let’s find out how to use them.
たべてから でかけます - After eating, I will go out.
しごと を おえてから かえってください - After finishing your work, please go home.
Words to learn
でかける、出かける - to go out, will go out
おえる、終える - to finish, to end (something)
If you want to tell someone after doing a certain action, like eating, first change the verb into a -te form. And then add the から behind it. This will mean, “after -ing”. Look at more examples below
のんでから - after drinking 
おしてから - after pressing
よんでから - after reading
So, to use this grammar correctly, use it when an action is on going and a new action will be follow by. Let’s find out how to use あとで. Which means “later”.
あとで たべます - I will eat it later.
あとで のみます - I will drink it later.
あとで はなさん の いえ に いくます - I will be going to Hana’s house later.
The only thing you have to remember how to use あとで is just simply place it at the beginning of a sentence.

That’s all for today’s guide to learn Japanese. Enjoy learning Japanese!


  1. Thank you for the explanation! I was very confused at to what form needed to come before the から.

  2. Thank you! Thas was helpfull in explaining.
